Are you part of the 75% that are NOT prepared for iOS14/IDFA updates?

Sanjay Raghu
December 15, 2020

According to a recent poll on an interesting webinar by JoyPac, 75% of respondents said that they are NOT well enough prepared for IDFA changes. The webinar hosted by Falko Boecker of JoyPac, featured Ioana Hreninciuc (GameAnalytics) and Christopher Farm (Tenjin) underscores “the need for more data science” and an “understanding of statistical methods” to make sense of the new signals.

The good news is that we can help you get prepared in the short time that you have left before IDFA deprecation. Our top-down incremental measurement is packed with these statistical methods to help you quickly get prepared for post-IDFA. The best part is that you can take it for a spin for FREE.

As a reminder, measurement granularity is a major gap within SKAdNetwork and we're glad to see JoyPac, GameAnalytics and Tenjin draw attention to this issue. Developers will need to prioritize investments in data science and statistical analysis in order to process more signals post-IDFA. Acquiring these skill sets can be expensive. With our DSaaS (Data-Science-as-a-Service) solution, you can inexpensively and easily achieve the accurate, granular measurement that you need to successfully operate post-IDFA. The full webinar is available below.

Keep in mind that our top-down incrementality measurement solution which can co-exist with SKAdNetwork, offers a comprehensive, granular and accurate alternative that addresses the following glaring issues with SKAdNetwork:

  1. SKAdNetwork will leave marketers with only 100 campaign IDs of granularity
  2. It does NOT offer a way to cohort KPIs by install date
  3. Critical post-install performance KPIs that are foundational to your mobile growth strategy today like retention, revenue, LTV, and ROAS, will disappear and be replaced by a single conversion value with its own significant limitations.

If you suspect that your measurement plan does not address the above gaps, contact us today to discuss. Time is running out and the competition is breathing down your neck. Our measurement solution can put you in a stronger position post-IDFA and ahead of your competition.

Please submit your questions below. We look forward to answering them and making the future of your measurement brighter!

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